Our Fondation
Saving the future . . . one teen at a time
Our Fondation
Saving the future . . . one teen at a time
A Message
I hope this message finds you safe and healthy!
I wanted to take this opportunity to report to you on Teen Court during this pandemic. We have good news! Teen Court continues! We continue to “Save our future…one teen at a time.
Since September we have been operating virtually and have completed 5 cases. We anticipate 3 more cases in December and at least 3 graduations! All of this is being done on Google Meetings. In addition to Peer Juries, we have added Restorative Justice Conferencing. In conferencing, our peer jurors conference with adult volunteers, the referred teen, parent and the victim. All persons in the conference must come to a unanimous agreement as to what remedies must be performed by the teen, based upon the rules of restorative justice. These Restorative Justice Conferences are a great addition to our already successful Peer Juries.
Based on the current situation, Teen Court will continue virtually through June. We believe this will provide for the safety of everyone involved. We encourage you to participate! Teen Court hearing dates will be forthcoming, beginning in January through June. We need peer jurors for peer juries and conferencing and we need adult volunteers for conferencing to participate as community members. We also need you to applaud our graduates at graduation!!!!
We also anticipate having a virtual celebration in the near future to commemorate our 5th anniversary and 200th graduate! Wow! We have come a long way. Look for future emails about this virtual celebration.
Please stay safe and join us when you can. We appreciate all of you.
Judge (Ret.) Annette Eckert, Director
Garen Vartanian, Administrator
Kari Ross, Restorative Justice Conferencing Administrator
Tamara Vaughn Walker, Evaluator
Barbara Cempura, President, Teen Court Foundation
Judge (Ret.) Annette Eckert